各位院领导及中心聘请的研究员,特邀的中心名誉主任——美国过程研究中心主任、中美后现代发展研究院副院长、国际有机马克思主义代表(新著《有机马克思主义》)、克莱蒙林肯大学前常务副校长菲利普·克莱顿教授(Philip Clayton ),《马克思,老子与自然》的作者、美国克莱蒙培泽学院和克莱蒙研究生大学政治学系莎伦?斯诺伊思(Sharon Snowiss)教授,《世界政治中自主的绿化》的作者、美国华盛顿大学政治科学与环境系凯伦·里特芬(Karen Litfin)教授,《解放未来》的作者、美国南卫理公会大学约克·里尔格(Joerg Rieger)教授,《生态与社会主义》的作者、美国帕克学院科学系主任、克里斯·威廉姆(Chris Williams)教授,以及与福斯特合著《韦伯与环境》的作者、美国阿默斯特学院社会学与人类学系助理教授汉娜·霍利曼(Hannah Holleman)博士等多位美国知名学者;以及清华大学、北京师范大学、中国人民大学、北京外国语大学、北京化工大学、北京第二外国语学院、中国社科院、中央党校以及《哲学研究》、《光明日报》等多位与过程研究有关的专家学者。
Email:[email protected];[email protected]
Research Center of Process Marxism and Philosophy of Praxis in China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL) has been established by sanction on June 8, 2015.The center will carry out academic studies depending on Marxism School of CUPL. At the moment of memorizing the 10thanniversary of Marxism School The research center of process Marxism and philosophy of praxis in CUPL and Pando Forum in Beijing plans to be held. The Forum takes pando tree with 800-year history as its image. The subject of the Forum is Marxism and Ecology. The Forum will discuss the following issues such as thought of process and Marxism, organic Marxism, organism, holism and ecology, sustainable development and human future involving the fields of Marxism theory, philosophy, politics, economics, sociology process Marxism and philosophy of praxis in CUPL together with the key disciplinary areas such as Marxism principles, foreign Marxism, ideological and political education, Chinese Marxism in Marxism School of CUPL.
The exact details of this Conference are:
Time: 9:00 a.m.-4:30p.m. July 14, 2015
Place: B205 Research Activities Building of CUPL Graduate School(No. 25 Xitucheng Road HaiDian District, Beijing)
First Part: (9:00a.m.-10:15a.m.) Opening ceremony of Research Center of Process Marxism and Philosophy of Praxis in CUPL. Official documents will be announced, the nameplate will be unveiled, address by the guest scholars and award the experts certificate.
Second Part:(10:30a.m.-12:30p.m.) keynote speech
Third Part:(1:30p.m.-4:30p.m.) seminar
At the time, the leader of Scientific Research Office of CUPL, leaders of Marxism School and researchers hired by the Center will attend the Conference. Some famous American scholars such as honorary director of the center Prof. Philip Clayton-director of the Center of Process Study in USA, vice president of Sino-American Post-modern Development Study Institute, representative of international organic Marxism, ex-executive vice president of Clermont Lincoln University(new work:Organic Marxism), Professor Sharon Snowiss- Politics Department of Clermont Graduate University, Prof. Karen Litfin-Political Science and Environment in Washington University, author ofIndependent Greening in World Politics, Prof. Joerg Rieger-Southern Methodist University, author ofLiberating the future, Prof. Chris Williams-dean of Science Department in College Park, author ofEcology and Socialism, associate Prof. Hannah Holleman-sociology and anthropology in Amherst college, co-author ofWeb and Environmentetc. and many experts and scholars form Tsinghua Universality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing International Studies University, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Philosophy Research and Guangming Daily will attend the Conference.
Experts, scholars and students inside and outside CUPL are welcomed to attend the conference and the seminar.
Liu Xin: phone:17888802814; E-mail:[email protected]
Ma Cuiming: phone:18910655211 Email:[email protected]
Research Center of Process Marxism
and Philosophy of Praxis in CUPL
July 6, 2015